Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am a Christian Singaporean

Two days ago, I spoke to my granny over the phone. The first statement that she blurted out after a hello was ‘Wow, General Election is on. Every day the TV is about them.”

In a simple statement, granny is saying – the heat is on! Here comes General Election.

Absolutely, the heat is on. Emotions and sentiments run high. Arguments and opinions flow freely. From the media to the coffee-shops talks, from the markets to MRT rides; in offices; and even in social network like Facebook; anywhere where people congregate; the talk is on.

For the past few days, I have been reading different comments and feedback by different people from various walks of life ranges in all age groups. Some cheered for Nicole Seah preferring her to Tin Pei Ling; while others are tugged by the frail yet passionate Chiam See Tong; some gave a 'thumb up' to PAP George Yeo.….it goes on and on and on.

Indeed, every vote counts! It counts as what they would say, “It concerns the future of Singapore”. Being a responsible Singaporean, I am reminded to consider objectively and wisely in casting my vote.

Surrounded by masses of voices, each stood up for their own/nation’s cause; each fighting to be heard and accepted; the hearers (or voters) can be easily drown in the sea of voices and choices. (or at least for me)

Then, what is God’s voice in this? I am reminded again. I called myself not only a Singaporean, but also a Christian. What is my Christian’s responsibility in this?

Casting aside all emotions running high; all agendas; all prejudice; all opinions...Lord, what do You say?

I want to begin by thanking God for our nation leaders and government. For blessing us all these years with the government He sees fitting for Singapore; who are committed to integrity, service and excellence; and had established strong foundations in Singapore for the past 46 years.

I am asking the Lord to grant us wisdom and discernment above all voices. It is His voice that prevails; His plans and purposes above mine and ours. It is His hands that will guide each vote.

I am declaring that our Sovereign Lord reigns over all political system and succession. Our people (especially Christians) will be discerning and sensitive to God’s prompting; His heartbeat; His divine purpose for our nation; that Singapore’s calling as an Antioch will be fulfilled.

Daniel proclaimed this in the Book of Daniel 2:21-22
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever. For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons. He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise. And knowledge to those who have understanding.” 
God is the One that set up His government. My responsibility as a Christian is to pray for His will and purposes to prevail. My Lord still sits on His throne. He is the Alpha and Omega.

“God’s plans and purposes never get thwarted by historical and political events and changes.” (From the Book of Habakkuk preached at Agape Baptist Church this morning). The call and motivation for Christians is to pray for God’s purposes to fulfill in the nation.

We are here to serve His purpose, not ours. Indeed, God’s purposes will prevail; not ours.
Laid down our rights and opinions for a moment...to just hear His voice for His beloved.

I love Singapore and proud to be a Singaporean
but Who can love Singapore more than Him alone?