Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lillie Rogers - A Woman crucified with Christ

Lillie Rogers, a true disciple of Christ

I like the glow in her white hair, resting on a wrinkled stern, 'no nonsense' face. I like the posture she sits while praying. Closed eyes, head bowed. All that stern look in her face became so different. Tenderness surfaces, like a little girl before her father. I like the way stood beside my pastor. That uprightness of inner self that comes from years of molding from the King.

I know her yet I do not. Not personally yet she became 'personal' especially recently. Lillie Rogers, a 87 years old woman whom I called, a true disciple of Christ. Came all the way from the States to Singapore, obeyed the call of the Lord to start His work in this tiny island. Amoured with nothing except Him, His Words and a burning passion for Jesus, she started sowing, planting and watering work in His kingdom. Today, Agape Baptist Church is the fruit of her labour, by God's grace has risen to her potential as the bride of the King. Fulfilling the call of Jesus, simply because one woman had obeyed.

No, I have not met her personally, neither spoken to her. But I would love to hear from this old missionary, still growing strong in the Lord. So many things she had taught are passed down to my Senior Pastor, who was then her mentee. Three areas worth remembering of her are these:

A Woman who has One Hunger One Desire
Recently, my SP and his daughter, Thea came back from the States having visited Lillie Rogers at her home. As I browsed through all the photos taken on her, I was inspired . A thought came to my mind, "A single frail woman of her age. of 87. What is left of her? What does she has?" Nothing, literally nothing. She has nothing, yet gotten everything.

She gained Christ. That is the strong message that comes from her life. That is nothing she is holding on to except her faith in Christ, her hope in Christ and her love for Christ. All these were written over her life, as I seen over my SP's life.

What does she has except Christ? What will she leave behind except Christ?

A Woman who Prays and Prays
Over the years, we know of Lillie Rogers as a woman of prayer. She had written a book on Prayers with the scriptures who had deeply inspired SP and many old veterans in the church. One photo that was taken still showed her as one whp gets up early to begin the day with the Lord. She still prays from 5am to 7am everyday.

Oh, what a virtue and spiritual discipline that she had cultivated. I believed, the answers to her prayers are not as important as spending the time in prayers to the One she adored.

This is one spiritual discipline I desire to inherit. Early risers for Jesus.

A woman who loves the Word. Prays the Word and lives the Word.

A Woman's Passion who Never Dies
While reading through her blog maintain by a lady who is writing a biography on her life mentioned this:

Over the Christmas season, Lillie sat listening to a preacher sharing about a missionary in China. He explained what missionaries do and all that they go through. Tears came to Lillie's eyes as her heart said "Yes" to Jesus again. "Oh, I want to do that. I want to be like that missionary", said Lillie.

She is old but never too old for a dying passion for Jesus and His purposes.

I pray that my growing old days would be one like Lillie Rogers, still growing and going strong in the Lord. Keep inspiring us Lillie Rogers. Your life speaks.