Friday, August 20, 2010

A Good Thing to Behold

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing. And obtains favour from the Lord.'
Proverbs 18:22

I realized that many wives love quoting this verse to their husbands, including myself. Wives consider their husbands 'fortunate' to have them as their wives as the saying goes, "Man, you have found a good thing."

A good thing! What exactly good has the men found? What is there to behold in this ‘good thing?’

There are many attributes that builds up a woman of inner beauty. The bible has enough scriptures to support that. The best example we can learn and draw from is none other than that found in Proverbs 31. As I ponder through the attributes of that ‘good thing’ a man could proudly behold in his wife, the following three outshines the rest:

Honour – Honouring others is not an option but a command based on Romans 12:10.
It simply means to value someone more than ourselves; to treat people as precious and with respect. Love and humility play an important part in someone who truly knows how to honour others. As a wife, honouring our husband is ‘non-negotiable’. It is given regardless of what he has done or not done; it is about honouring the person per se. The common mistake many wives tend to make is in degrading the man’s ego by refusing him his due respect. This is not only dishonoring but also damaging. Another reminder is that we bring honour to our husbands when we honour their parents. Learning to honour someone adds to that attribute of ‘a good thing’ in a woman.

Contentment – Learning the secret of being contented adds beauty to the woman. It is not about having little and being poor, but the state of mind and heart that overflows from a grateful soul, knowing that God is All-Sufficient (Philippians 4:12). Imagine a wife who carries with her a heart of contentment. She knows how to give praises in plenty and in scarcity. She learns the virtue of spending below her means. She complains little, praises much and stays joyful in all circumstances. She is the ‘good thing’ to behold indeed.

Giving – God has created women uniquely to be givers. Many of them have assignments in their home, workplace, congregation or community. Yet they have the amazing capacity to give sacrificially and even much more when the call arises. They give their time, their love and release life through child-bearing. Giving increases the heart of contentment. Giving and contentment go hand in hand. Have you been giving your love to someone underserving lately? What about giving your time to serve in the Children’s Church? Or investing into someone’s life besides your own children? Be a giver; a cheerful one.

While Proverbs 18:22 is obvious for the men, it is also applicable for us as women, single or married. If you are someone’s wife today, take time to really ask yourself the honest question, “How have I been that ‘good thing’ that my husband proudly beholds?
Singles or marrieds, we all have a legacy to live up to and pass on. We have a responsibility to teach and impart.

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