Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jesus Revealed

No way could I ever saved myself from my corrupted sinful nature. No way could I turn back the clock to undo those regretful decisions made. No way I can reverse the consequences due to my unwise sowing in the past. No way trying hard to live right in the law. It only reveals greater consciousness of me in sin. I was doomed.

Not until He reveals Who He is to me - My Saviour, My Righteousness, My Redeemer, My Jesus.

He stretches out His nailed pierced hands to a sinner like me. Like the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), He invited me to first thirst for Him. Revealing His righteousness to me and clothed me with it. He delivered me from sin and pointed me to the finished work of the cross. He taught me to live in His grace and bearing the law within my heart. He redeemed me from my past and assured me with no more condemnation. He leads me to live a victorious life through the power of His Spirit and set up seasons where I can partake with Him in His sufferings. He reminded me to be wise in my living and not allowing carnality to rule over spirituality, not serving sin but serving righteousness. Promising me to becoming more like Him when my life is centred upon Him.

Studying the Book of Romans taught me much.
Most of all, it points to Jesus, God's righteousness revealed.

I was, onced a sinner saved by grace.
Living now in grace

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