Monday, February 14, 2011

A Pursuit of a Lifetime

Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, used to greet his friends with these words, 
"Have you repented yet today?"

Growing people change. Changing people are always renewing themselves and the call to get passionate about change is not to be undermined. 

I did some reflection on this topic this morning. My conclusion: 'I want to be a changing and growing person.' However, there are some considerable factors that is also fore-telling regarding 'Change'.

** Change can be short-lived.
We are surrounded by people who started off with a sincere and genuine desire to want to change for the better. But there are also enough evidences to support that the change is so short-lived or temporary. Why is this so?

a) Who is my change agent?
During the Chinese New Year season, I have been catching up with quite a few documentary films (my favourite - the History Channel; Crime and Investigation Channel. Neo Geographic and Discovery Channel). I chanced upon the Biography Channel which features 'Breakthroughs with Anthony Robins' and saw some clips where people are challenged and stirred, given a new purpose and change in life through the intention of this man called Anthony Robins, a new-age guru. There were emotional moments of reconciliation, forgiveness, new challenges, taking un-chartered paths and it all seem so 'christian' and of course, noble cause.

Before I became a devoted and a serious one follower of Christ, I used to listen to loads of Anthony Robins stuff. Something that my former professional will highly recommend. So, to conclude, I am quite 'used to' and 'accustomed' to this man's sharing. I am a follower of Anthony Robins and other 'positive thinking' personalities.

The motivation to change and grow is real and sincere at that moment. (or even last for quite a while or years). But I also noticed some true facts. The change is rather short-lived for many. Ultimately when you traced down to the core, it can be for 'Self-centered' reasons when changes are made. (I will not elaborate much) and done in the name of 'Noble cause'. And yes, this is possible!

All these are short-lived and became empty easily and fast. Once, the self is not filled up. The graving for more leads to greed. Unmet expectations are piling loads. The change is based on self-efforts; self-driven; self-desire which spelled 'Emptiness'

The next question is propelling. Who is my 'Change Agent?'

No one can really change us except God Himself because He says, "It is His kindness that leads us to repentance." in Romans 2:4 . True repentance is sealed in Jesus' blood and His Name, done and finished, the completed work of the cross. Repentance is an action word that is revealed in transformation and seen by its fruits evidently.

So, not Anthony Robins, not Donald Trumph but Jesus alone can change us from the inside out!
Any change that is not God-centred is short-lived and empty.

b) Am I following Jesus daily, closely, passionately ...then?
While it is true and fact that Jesus is our Change Agent, our change can also be very short-lived and temporary? How can this be true? Just take a good observation you will soon realize - this can be true.

What makes all the difference?

It is the daily and closely following of Christ, to the point that Luke 9:23 became us - Christlikeness. The opposite is also true. Once we stopped following Christ closely, daily and passionately, we stopped repenting, changing and growing to become more like Him.

Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, used to greet his friends with these words, "have you repented yet today?" He literally means, 'Have you been following Jesus closely, daily and passionately today?"

The key to change and grow is to follow Christ...part 1
To follow Christ daily, closely and passionately...part 2.

If Part 1 and Part 2 is in us:
  • It is impossible to follow a living God religiously.
  • It is impossible to be following Jesus and yet not be changed.
May I be a true, devoted, serious and passionate follower of Jesus daily - TODAY!
That's the purpose of life after all.

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