Monday, March 28, 2011

Wang Dian Sheng's Testimony

'One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: 
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, 
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.' 
(Psalm 27:4)

We first met Wang Dian Sheng on 20 September 2010 when Happy Thursday organized an outing at East Coast Park. His hand was bandaged and could hardly move. Shortly, he left. The next time I saw him was 2 weeks later at Happy Thursday. Still in his bandage, Dian Sheng told us that he had injured his hand during work. He had gone through 2 times operation and was still waiting for his workmen compensation. (insurance claims).

Weeks passed. Dian Sheng was very regular in his attendance at HT and then on Sunday night Chinese Fellowship. One night at HT, he received Jesus into his heart.

With his permission to share his journey, and to glorify what Jesus had done in his life. This is Dian Sheng's short account in his stay as a foreign worker in Singapore. 

Living in Singapore became harder and tougher in each passing day. Without work and an injury, Dian Sheng could not learn a proper income. He came to the point that he hardly had money even for his daily meals. Being a man and coming from a strong China tradition background, he felt so broken and shameful to borrow. One night after HT, he came to us with his brokenness and asked for prayers. At the same time, he was willing to do any odd job in exchange for 2 meals per day.

God is near to those who are broken-hearted. He gave us the same compassion to do what we can for this man. Prayers was lifted up to God that Dian Sheng would quickly be compensated by his company. At the same time, we had Dian Sheng to help in simple odd jobs weekly during HT and CF nights. A small token was given to him each time. A member who heard about his plight; had him to help in some personal stuff in her office. She even blessed him with a nice Christmas hamper of groceries. All these were God's language of His love to a helpless man.

Throughout these months, we saw Dian Sheng grew in his walk with God. As he was unemployed, he spend a lot of time reading the bible and pray. And being a reader, he read a lot of Christian materials that we had given to him. He attended the Christian Basic in Chinese; invited his friends to HT and was friendly to relate to anyone that attended HT, sharing his testimony with them.

On 26 March late evening, we received a sms from Dian Sheng. He was finally granted his compensation and will be going back the next afternoon. There were mixed feelings in Dian Sheng, as much as the same emotions the Core Team is feeling. But we are happy and thankful that he could finally be home.

In our last meeting on Sunday and our sending-off, we saw what God had done in this man's life. When I challenged him to start a HT in his home. This is his reply, "Honestly, this is what I am going to do. As I stayed in the countryside, 90% of the country folks are Buddhist and they would just erect an idol to worship. It would be a real challenge for me to start a HT. But I am going to do it. First to begin with my family and relatives. With some songs, icebreaker and sharing of God's Word, that would be a Happy 'Day'. So please pray for me that I will have the strength to do this. And keep in touch as I need to continue to learn God's Word to be equipped."

This was the best encouragement for all the Core Team. We were so awed by what God had done thus far in his life. And we are believing that God will use him in very special way to reach out to his own country men.

王殿胜 is his Chinese name. God gave Psalm 27:4 to him I pray for him. (that fitted into his name well):

It would be appropriate that I ended this sharing with Dian Sheng's sms to the Core Team on 26 March 2011:

你 好! 我是殿胜. 拖了很久的工伤终于解决了. 我可以放心回家了. 当我徘徊在十字路口的时候, 是你们带领我认识了主耶稣. 蒙福主的恩典, 感谢你们无私的关爱和帮助. 给我一盞明灯, 照亮我前进的路, 不管现在或将来, 我的心将与你们一起做主的使者, 传主的福音, 神光照世人, 福播大地. 再见了, 弟兄姐妹, 你们是我的亲人和朋友; 一生有您, 是主给我的赐 福. 有空常联系. 愿你们一生平安幸福! 主与你们同在! 阿们!

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