Friday, January 13, 2012

Walking with God

"God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course."
(Psalm 119:33 MSG)

We tend to live with a maintenance mode in life, waking up each day without much to look forward to, or a mind filling with a "Things to Do" list. Little was spend on asking the heart and hard questions of life.

By the time we realize that we probably need to take a deep look into life, we could be at our breaking point, boredom point, or even at our deathbed. How sad.

It doesn't make any difference for a Christian to live that kind of lifestyle either. I was once there as a sinner, everything revolves around me. After the Lord came into my life, there was changes and transformation. Soon to realize, in a Christian world and a full time minister, there are also "noble spiritual things" that would camouflage itself to still revolves around me.

Ministry is about me.
Reading the Bible is about me.
Building relationship is about me.
Reaching others and the lost is about me....

Just that it comes with nice spiritual packaging. A Christian.

No, I am in no position in judge others, but I am in that position to at least 'judge' myself.

Stripping off from the novelties of the ministry and a minister is a good thing, a God thing.
Take a clear good look of yourself Lili, what is there in you?

Leaving staff team is a hard decision but a God's intention. I could have always covered myself with novelties, spiritualized it and feeling bad about it, yet coming back to dress up again in novelties.

It's time to leave Ur and Haran, and keep moving steadily until I arrived where I was called to be. (Genesis 12:9 MSG).

He called me to walk with Him. Walking with God.

This time I am clothed, but with a garment of brokenness and contrite heart.
That will always be.

We can only walk and hear Him, know Him into the deep reservoirs of His heart only when we are stripped and clothed with what Jesus was clothed.

One of the words that God spoke to me in this Pastor's Submit was that I will show others how to walk with God and hear God. But that takes me first to walk with Go and hear Him, grow in intimacy.

Conception comes from intimacy.
It is oneness.

Oneness with God. Take me on Lord.

Psalm 119:33-40

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