Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Great Team!

"I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus." (1 Cor 1:4)

A businessman once quoted this statement, "Our most important customers are our own team members." I have also discovered that is also true in ministry.

Some of the most insightul and resourceful people I have known are the staff. Besides my dear family, they are the ones that I relate and work closely with. We fought many countless battles together. Laugh and wept together. Sticking closely as a team to get through some tough seasons. As a team, we seek to love, to learn and to grow intentionally as a team throughout these years.

Sincere affirmations always motivaes one to use their gifts even in greater ways. The team realises everyone plays a specific role. We grow to understand and appreciate the roles of others, placing individual rights below the team's best interest and learning to uphold persistent honour and stubborn love at all times. Of course, there are many occassions we are tested and tried. In occassions like this, we agreed to disagree without disengaging, learning to laugh at our own mistakes, separating the personal from the professional.

One of my good interntions turning actions is learning to appreciate the staff more. Many times, we pastors usually get the credit for something well done and highlighted. We are being appreciated and highlighted most of the time. In fact, it is the team that makes us pastors look so successful and great. We need to pass down the credit to the team who so deserving it.

A worth mentined example is the recent Yusheng Celebration at Pek Kio. There were Ps Sok Hwee and Karen who had taken leadership responsibility to motivate and challenge the leaders and members in this community blessing event. There was Lester who had diligently uploaded all 8 barrels of mineral water and fixed up the sound system. Sabrina and Candy, who laid out the refreshment spread. Jessica and JJ, who mobolized the youth in the distribution of helium balloons. Jennifer who played the excellent programme co-ordinator, alongside with an enthusisatic Wei Jie as his assistant. Ps Thomas and Fanny, our joyful emcees for the night, rentlessly hosting the crowd. Mary Ann who played an important part in conveying the event purpose to the church through broadcast. Roslyn leading the intercessors to pray. Finally, Thomas Franks, our video production specialist, indeed a specialist. That's the team who gets the credit!

I always thank God for you, staff team. Thank you for making me look great by being great! You are a wonderful team indeed!

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