Friday, February 6, 2009

the 3Rs of a Leader

"And David went on, and grew great, and the LORD God of hosts was with him." (2 Samuel 5:10)

When I first read this scripture in various version, I realised that David was growing greater and greater. And the scripture chose to use the word 'growing' instead of 'changing'. He grew great.

David was 36 years old when he became the king. He reigned 7 years and 36 months in Hebron (Judah) and 33 years in Israel and Judah. He was a king for 40 years.

In David's transition time as a king, he made changes. Unusual changes. He first touched the untouchables, the Jebusites. Without bloodshed, he easily had Jerusalem conquered and taken over. An ideal location in connecting northern Israel and southern Judah. This was a daring move.

We saw David had a Position changed. From a fugitive to a king. He had a Power change. From a king of Judah to a king of the whole nation of Israel. He had a Posture changed. His dependency on God is never compromised. His inquiring of the Lord is reflected throughout 2 Sam 5:17-25

It was interesting to note that David did not change for the sake of changing . He changed for the sake of growth. His kingdom grows, his fame grows, his dependency in God grows, his maturity grows. David grows.

As a leader of his people, he seeks to grow. He enlarged his embrace and lengthen his stride. David's life became more, not less. His life is robust in God, prayer and obedience. He lived passionately, love completely, learned humbly and leave boldly.

When we grow, in contrast to merely change, we venture into new terrority and include more people in our lives. We serve more and love more.

Sad to say, our culture is filled with changes but poor in growth. Models, developments, opportunities implemented merely to replace, not grow. Then new novelites are manufactured but soon, they wears out easily.

God's way is growth, not just changes. David's life reflected a series of transitions, changes, growth and maturity.

"And the LORD said to you, 'You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler.' " (2 Sam 5:2)

David was a great leader and a shepherd of his people. He was not ego-driven like Saul. He ruled not by self power but with an inner rest.

I seek to grow and matrue in my leadership like David. As a leader, I have to keep questioning myself, "Am I drawn to the new changes or growth?"

David grew in his leadership in three areas - Resourcefulness; Resilience and Restedness. Important qualities for anyone who is called to be a leader.

A resourceful leader is a growing leader. He is more interested in making changes for the sake of growth and not protecting his own turf. He is quick to trumpet call what is of God and proclaim it without compromising.

Tears, courage and trials are common for a resilience leader. They are make for the long haul. This is a great training ground for character development.

A leader must learn to lead from inner rest. Rest comes from knowing God and resting in His will. Walking in His ways.

David at age 37 was greater than he was at 17. He grew greater and greater in God. Greatness can never be apart from God.

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