Monday, May 4, 2009

Did God Make a Mistake?

Therefore, since we are have this ministry, as we have recieved mercy, we do not lose heart. (2 Cor 4:1)

Nobody enjoys being broken. No one enjoys finding that he has come to a dead end and an ability to save himself. It is a place of utter helpness and pain. I was broken and bruised before. And it is usually so because of bad decisions made either by me or someone else, intentionally or ignorantly. Thirteen years back then, that was how I 'looked'. I had done everything I possibly could and know how, but it didn't make me impressionable. I was rotten inside.

Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well. He invites her to desire. Jesus did the same for me. An invitation to desire, to follow and not turning back. Not just to run the race but to complete the race strong. Whom I worship, I change to be like Him. Gradually, painfully at times but surely.

Soon, I will be celebrating my 43th Birthday. As I took a closer look at my life and realised - Living with the knowledge of what happened in the past brought me pain, shame, regrets though there are moments of joyful memories. Living with the reality of today can motativate me to be realistic and hopeful. But living with the right perspective of tomorrow offers me enormous and limitless possibilities. And all made even more possible when placed in the hands of God.

If there is one thing that spell my life, I would love to say this: "Mercies of God." I had escaped countless of dangerous consequences, if it is not for His divine intervention. I had been spared of spending my days in the hospital if He had not stopped that cancerous cells from spreading and healed me of possible colon cancer. I could be walking around with a deformed spirit and soul if He had not continously and renentlessly pointing me back to take care and guard my heart. The most gracious thing had happened when He called me into ministry eleven years ago to be His servant. Something I would never taken it for granted neither imagine this could ever happened in my life.

Nothing was recorded further in John 4:1-42 what had happened to the Samaritan woman at the well, except that she went back to her people and the city to share the good news. After Jesus' departure from the city, what could had possibly been taken place in this woman's life?
Maybe, she had become the 'pastor' of the samaritans and her life purpose is soley to preach Jesus?

I would love to imagine that. No one who had been truly touched by Jesus can live a life unchanged. Jesus' way of reaching to her heart is an invitation to desire and follow Him. Not fixing up her past. All these will take place and follows eventually. Jesus did not fix my past. He fixes my heart, He stirs my appetite and thirst for Him.

I would love to think a little deeper.
Would the samaritans oppose the samaritan woman to be their village 'pastor?" Would they have a case for that because of her past?

Does He make a mistake by placing me to be pastor of His flock then?
Would anyone have a case against that then?

I have no answer from a human perspective. Thankfully, I have my answers in Him.

Moses was a murderer and was asked to deliver the Israelites at the burning bush encounter with God.
Saul was a Christian persecutor. He was out to destroy Christianity only to meet Jesus at the Damascus Road.
Matthew was still a much-hated tax-collector by the Jews when Jesus said to Him, "Follow Me."

Moses became a humble leader of the Israelites
Saul turned Paul, widely known as the apostle of Christ
Matthew the former tax collector called to serve Jesus side by side with the twelve.

Did Jesus make a mistake?

I walked with a limp in my life. Broken by a past.
I still walked with a limp in my life, broken by God.
A reminder of my own human frality but also the mark of my spiritual strength in God. The defeat of the flesh of self, the place of victory in God.

The second part of the verse goes like this: (2 Cor 4:2)
"But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."

If by His mercy and grace, He is to give me another 43 years. This is how I want to live my life for Him.

Thank you Father for your mercy. I love You.

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