Monday, May 11, 2009

Driven Passion in My Life

"Love never fails." (1 Cor 13:8)

"I cannot be the person God meant me to be and I cannot live the life He meant me to live, unless I live from the heart."

In my previous blog, I mentioned that the 'Soul Detox' series had enabled my heart to come alive once again. Alive to my heart condition. Those toxic that crumbles in the dark corners. And melted as wax once again in the healing hands of God.

I keep asking this question to myself for the past few weeks. "What drives the passion in my life?" Not that I am unaware or ignorant. But I would want to explore deeper, and what's real inside me. "What keeps me holding on to my stations in life?" "What keeps me waking up each morning contentedly?" "What keeps me hopeful in my doctor visits and check-ups? "What keeps me doing those things I detest and abandon those things that are my 'harmful' delights?" - "What, what what..."

I started by making a list of all things I love, the people, those places, the things are are dear to me. What a long list I have! God spoke to me gently into those things I wrote -"You could not love them if you do not have a heart of love. Love that overflows from the cross." Loving needs a heart alive and awake and freed from toxic. Everything I love is what makes a life worth living.

But is it even possible to love without the heart?

Yes, it is possible. Just that the full expression will be different. My love needs to meet Jesus at the foot of the cross. And if there is any reason that God cannot used me anymore is because there is no love. At the cross, loves overflows. It is His love that is greater than the pain of the journey that keeps Jesus going. Love endures.

I know I will never know how to love much unless I know I am forgiven much. The woman who anoints Jesus' feet knows she is forgiven much. The sinful woman who was caught in the adultery act knew what it meant when Jesus said, "Go and sin no more." Peter knew that he had met the Saviour when he looked into His eyes and fell at his kness, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man."

At the cross, everything is taken care of. There is liberty. Set free from our past failures, rejection, accusation and fear. There is life, a new person, a new spirit and a new heart.

I could truly love, be loved and never lose love. Approaching 43 years of age. I prayed and wanted love to be the driving passion of my life. To walk in His love. (Eph 5:2)

I am thankful and contented that I am surrounded with people who truly loves me and keep believing in me. In all my flaws and weakness, they keep loving me.

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