Monday, January 11, 2010

'In Appreciation of You'

Gifts - something not lacking receiving from my family, church members and friends on special occasions and Christmas. Last year Christmas, I received many gifts and it blessed me to know that I am remembered on this special day.

Last Sunday, someone came to me and passed me a gift. It was a letter carefully wrapped with a gold ribbon. I was eager to read it for a reason. Those who known me knew that my language of love is Words. When someone gave me a gift and a card, I will always reached out for the card before I unwrapped the present. I will store them in my 'Capsule Box'. Once a while, I will open up my box and go through all these letters and cards. It keeps my heart warmth and thankful. Secondly, this letter/card was given by someone 'unexpected' and I was pleasantly surprised. Thirdly, he chose a 'non-occasion' to give me this card.

The first thing I do when gotten into my car was to open up this letter. There were four cards in the envelope. One was a red card which was written, "El-Shaddai (God of All Sufficient), Genesis 17:1-2. Another was a Foreword. Then a hand-drawn card where there is a pair of footprints and I think a broken perfume vessel. On the top left-hand side was written 'Aunty Lili'. Finally a yellow card that goes like this, "...In Appreciation of You..."

Yo Pastor Lili/Aunty Riri!
Hi! You have been a tremendous blessing. More than simply the Word that you've brought or the Chinese Ministry, but your outgoing and encouraging nature that has blessed a lot of us. As a pastor, I must say your style is very different from the other pastors, but then again, all the pastors/preachers (since my bro's not a pastor, haha) in our church have very diverse styles. But mostly, the thing I notice about your life is that it is daily consistently screaming 'God, I trust and honour You! Be glorified!" Your life and presence is truly inspiring. For me this year, God has given me 2 Words, one is Isaiah 21, which, though it's quite cheem, speaks of Babylon coming down and being utterly destroyed. Cleff's lack of conviction and irreverence towards Jesus is definitely a Babylon in his life and I'm praying to see it utterly destroyed. I also want to thank you for being my Agapeland teacher! Ahaaha! Your teaching really awoke the heart for missions and for the lost which was already there, but was still asleep within me at that time. Somehow from what you've taught me and how you've lived your life, you've somehow had this mantra 'Anything also can, but if it is of God, then it will surely succeed and last.' Something like that. OK, the 'anything also can' doesn't mean just being flippant about things, but about even making the most informed decisions that might even be supported by the Word, though it might be taken out of context. (rhema Word). Yeah, you've had a really awesome impact on me through my short life. (I don't understand why short life). Well, I just want to bless you this new year with a renewed passion for the Word, your ministries in this church and for the lost! May you keep touching the heart of God! God bless! - italics mine

I remembered my Senior Pastor Guna Raman once wrote a note on the Facebook to me. I would like to use a statement that he had written to express what I am feeling right now.

"Thank you for these wonderful words of blessing. You are a prove that when one sows into a life, he always reap abundantly. Today, I am blessed to reap from the abundance of your heart."

This person is none other than NuN.

Thank you NuN. I am indeed so so blessed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Faith-filled sms

Have you ever received numerous sms from your boss just in a day or two? I had (or we had - the staff). Our Senior Pastor Guna Raman (and our boss) send us these sms on Crossover night and on the first day of the new year. These sms are not messages of 'To Do' List, but they are faith-filled words that inspired us, challenged us, encouraged us and aligned us back to God - Ready to face 2010.

Sharing these sms here, trusting that it will encourage many, and those in need of a faith word will be inspired to press on.

1) 'Until someone gets out of spotlight and plays 2nd fiddle, there will be no harmony.' Today I honour each of you who has done so much behind the scenes while I stood up there to preach. Without all the work on the background, the right environment would not be there for the Word to be received. Thank you for serving the Lord with such a servant heart in 2009.

2) Because you are God's treasure, you can be sure that He will not allow anyone to mess with His treasure. "Thus says the LORD, he who touches you touches the apple of my eye." (Zechariah 2:8). Put absolute confidence in God in 2010.

3) God's promise on the first day of 2010 for us, "I crown the year with My goodness, and My paths drip with abundance." (Psalm 65:11)

4) Let others breathe the polluted air of anxiety if they must in 2010, but not us. Let's be numbered among those who hear a different voice...God's. And march in confidence to the command of that Voice.

5) Oswald Chambers wrote: Leave the broken, irreversible past in God's hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.

6) If you hear a voice within you say, "You cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh. Make 2010 a year where you dare to go against the voice of the flesh because you want your confidence to be in God.

7) Eph 2:10, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works prepared for us in advance." Note 'in advance'. What an awesome thought. God is already in your future. He is setting you up. He is preparing the way. You can have confidence in Him for 2010. Let's walk into the New Year with holy anticipation.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ended 2009...Into 2010 (Part 2)

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1:8)

3rd D: Devotional
Year 2010 is a year of growth. To grow in faith, Big Faith. It is so necessary to renounce and give up those distractions and destructive habits, obsessions that robbed away from my love from God.

1) Give up Comfort and Convenience
It is so easy to settle for comfort and convenience especially when things are moving on smoothing. Soon, it became a 'lifestyle' and there is no motivation to want to enter into new challenges. I must be careful and aware of these little comfort and convenience that camouflage itself as legimate excuses for one to settle in the Wilderness' than the Promised Land. To overcome this, I am all ready to ask God to lead me into new seasons and new challenges. Giving up the flesh for more of Him.

2) Give up Pride and Ego
I am a proud person and there are times when my ego just need to be flattered. This is dangerous ground. Imagine myself giving credit to myself more than giving praises and glory to God. Using God-given talents and gifting to quickly replace it with prayers. All these destructive appetites must be eliminated in Year 2010. A choice to make, a decision to obey His voice more than my voice.

3) Give up Non-purpose Busyness
"Being busy doesn't equal being godly" (quote from Ps Guna). Busyness has become a norm in my lifestyle. Yet I dread being busy without God-driven purpose and values. It kills my passion and drained me to fatigue. That is why I am guarding more carefully in year 2010 against busyness without focus. Learning to say 'No' is a security issue and it is maturity to discard the need to do many things. Focus is power. This is my key area of growth for year 2010. More and more, making things simple and doing ONE THING bears power. (Psalm 27:4)

4) Give up Grasshopper Sight and Perspective
There is such a need for me to grow in my perspective, mindset and sight. What I see and think is important, it will deters my actions. I asked God to help me see it BIG in His sight. Dream Big, Start Small and Grow Deep. Learning to flow with the 'Issachar' anointing and discern His times. Never to miss what He is saying and doing at that hour. Most importantly, to act upon it when I am told to.

5) Give up self for others
I want to grow to be a woman of Substance, Sacrificial and Secured. Besides learning from the Word, to be in a community of relationships is essential and foundational. "Iron sharpens Iron" and there is dynamic power when we spurred one another to grow more Christlike. Growth is a community project indeed.

There are more to be listed here. However, all sum up in one thing - Application. It is pointless to know much and not doing anything at all. To be a doer of the Word rather than a Hearer of the Word.

Year 2010, a year of growth - in faith and in Big Faith.
Creating an environment of growth is therefore foundational and intentional.

I trust my God for year 2010.