Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ended 2009...Into 2010 (Part 2)

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1:8)

3rd D: Devotional
Year 2010 is a year of growth. To grow in faith, Big Faith. It is so necessary to renounce and give up those distractions and destructive habits, obsessions that robbed away from my love from God.

1) Give up Comfort and Convenience
It is so easy to settle for comfort and convenience especially when things are moving on smoothing. Soon, it became a 'lifestyle' and there is no motivation to want to enter into new challenges. I must be careful and aware of these little comfort and convenience that camouflage itself as legimate excuses for one to settle in the Wilderness' than the Promised Land. To overcome this, I am all ready to ask God to lead me into new seasons and new challenges. Giving up the flesh for more of Him.

2) Give up Pride and Ego
I am a proud person and there are times when my ego just need to be flattered. This is dangerous ground. Imagine myself giving credit to myself more than giving praises and glory to God. Using God-given talents and gifting to quickly replace it with prayers. All these destructive appetites must be eliminated in Year 2010. A choice to make, a decision to obey His voice more than my voice.

3) Give up Non-purpose Busyness
"Being busy doesn't equal being godly" (quote from Ps Guna). Busyness has become a norm in my lifestyle. Yet I dread being busy without God-driven purpose and values. It kills my passion and drained me to fatigue. That is why I am guarding more carefully in year 2010 against busyness without focus. Learning to say 'No' is a security issue and it is maturity to discard the need to do many things. Focus is power. This is my key area of growth for year 2010. More and more, making things simple and doing ONE THING bears power. (Psalm 27:4)

4) Give up Grasshopper Sight and Perspective
There is such a need for me to grow in my perspective, mindset and sight. What I see and think is important, it will deters my actions. I asked God to help me see it BIG in His sight. Dream Big, Start Small and Grow Deep. Learning to flow with the 'Issachar' anointing and discern His times. Never to miss what He is saying and doing at that hour. Most importantly, to act upon it when I am told to.

5) Give up self for others
I want to grow to be a woman of Substance, Sacrificial and Secured. Besides learning from the Word, to be in a community of relationships is essential and foundational. "Iron sharpens Iron" and there is dynamic power when we spurred one another to grow more Christlike. Growth is a community project indeed.

There are more to be listed here. However, all sum up in one thing - Application. It is pointless to know much and not doing anything at all. To be a doer of the Word rather than a Hearer of the Word.

Year 2010, a year of growth - in faith and in Big Faith.
Creating an environment of growth is therefore foundational and intentional.

I trust my God for year 2010.

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