Friday, February 12, 2010

Hear, Obey, Act, Move in FAITH

"So Joshua ordered the officers of the people: "Go through the camp and tell the people, "Get your supplies ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the Lord your God id giving you for your own. "
(Joshua 1:10)

What will cause us to pray BIG PRAYERS that move us in faith and total dependency on God? One answer that came out from our weekly Pastoral Staff Q+C (Questions and Contribution) Time is when one is in desperate need and no one can come through for us except God alone.

How true. There are countless times I felt like Moses facing the Red Sea with the Israelites. There is no turning back with the pursuing Egyptian enemies behind. The desert on their south, mountains and pagan enemies on their north. The only way is to lead his people to cross the Red Sea - forward movement. The timeless unchangeable truth remains: God is attracted to humble, boldness and helpless and BIG prayers. Simply, He delights to see faith in action.

I recalled the journey I had taken with my Chinese Core Team as I lead them in the Chinese Ministry. God gave me Josh 1:10 and what struck me was the word 'three days'. The Joshua generation had been staying in the wilderness for forty years. They had settled for the comfortable, familiar and routine. What makes them different from the Moses generation? The Lord commanded Joshua to lead the Joshua generation out to Jordan in three days time? Not a very long time for them to 'get prepare and ready'. This is a very bold move. What causes Joshua to dare to take that move? What it takes for one to move in Big Faith, praying Big Prayers, believing in a Big God?

Through observation of the scripture, I saw a few principles and truth in place.

1) They possess the Vision. The Vision possess them.
The Israelites were given the Promised Land. It was a vision yet to be fulfilled and needed to possess. The Moses generation had missed it, not the Joshua generation. They refused to settle for the 'usual' because they knew the Promise Land is in God's will. They see it, want it and longed for it. Forty years had been a long time. They were comfortable yet bored with the wilderness desert. They were longing for the milk and honey land. They were satisfied with 'steam manna', 'boiled manna', 'fried manna', (any more recipes?) yet graved for 'milk and honey' foodstuff. They were promised the land with milk and honey, not sand and dried grass. They possessed the vision of the Promised Land, knowing that the Promised Land possessed them. The Vision is too big, too difficult and it takes God. Yes, they want it!

2) They were a 'Certain Kind'
Desperation can drive one to resign or to arise. The Joshua people refused to settle for what is seemingly normal. They were called to live an 'abnormal and uncomfortable' life. Now the time had come. God had commanded them to move. It thrilled them, this is of God." It is a not a question, "Should we go?", it is a question, "When should we go?" God had spoken. "Let's go" is their only answer. The same God that commanded will bring them through. In fact, they had no clue what was lying ahead of them. Their vocabulary were words like uncertainty and unchartered paths. Yet they were prepared and ready, humbled yet bold, desperate yet assured. They are God's ready warriors. They have a certain kind of 'factor'. They belonged to the certain kind.

3) They have a BIG GOD
The Joshua's generation knew their God. They knew He is dependable. They live to witness His power, providing them manna 'dropping' from heaven. Clothes and shoes that were never worn out. They saw how a faithless Moses generation perished and were certain, 'Faith moved God' principle. Ultimately, they have a BIG GOD and they can Dream BIG, pray BIG PRAYERS. That is probably why they only asked for one thing when Joshua prepared them to move in three days time, that 'only the LORD your God be with you." (Josh 1:17). They pledged obedience to Him, they acted in faith and leave the rest to God alone who can handled.

That was probably why three days to move on is not an issue with them. They did not spend their time and energy debating the will of God, the ways of God and the timing of God. They dreamed. They obeyed. They moved. They acted and they continue to trust Him.

My conclusion:
It is time to pray uncomfortable and big prayers that only God can act and fulfilled. Unless God comes through for us, we are 'doomed'. This broken and contrite state will drive us on our knees in desperation to depend on God. Yet He will be remained BIG for us.

I asked my team this question to my Chinese Core Team, "Are you in it with me and God? If we die, we die in the Promised Land."

And I am thankful, God had given me the best of the best mighty men and women - a certain kind.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Journey with the Chinese Ministry

"as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you."
(Joshua 1:5)

God 'set me up' for this to happen some years back. He put a love in me for the China and the marginalised Chinese Nationals in Singapore. But He has also set me up for that love to be tried and tested severely. I was badly bruised and broken after that. No more strength to carry on. He showed Himself to be faithful, "A broken reed, He will not break. And smoking flax He will not quench." (Isaiah 42:3)

He came through for me. Added new strength, new love, new heart for the Chinese Nationals. A more redeemed me for the work of the ministry and greater things to come.

For a start, He gave me seven Chinese Nationals in Pek Kio community, all men. From a 'Resting Place' to 'Happy Thursday', we saw a total of twelve Chinese Nationals being reached, ministered and care for. They gave their lives to Jesus. It looks like I had landed the 'Promise Land', only to realize shortly, it was just an oasis. God set this up this path for me again right after April. Seven went back to China, leaving four behind.

I felt like Joshua in the bible, helpless and no clue how to lead my team further on. So I began to do what I know what to do and leaving the rest to God. The team started to knock on Pek Kio doors, hoping to find thirty, invite fifteen at least, grateful if five stayed behind. On June 28 last year, not one from the community turned up for our 'China Nationals Fellowship'. Yet, He gave another surprise to us. One member brought three Chinese Nationals. A small beginning. This was comforting...

Down the weeks to months, God brought in the Chinese Nationals. From three to twenty eight. Twenty one gave their lives to Jesus and eight were baptized on the Crossover Night, 31st December 2009. This is the miracle of God.

While all looks good and comfortable (a warning sign), God presses on and challenge my faith further. Back to the very place where 'Joshua was helpless' stage, He makes me at a crossroad of making significant and bold decisions. I don't love very much to be in this position, yet secretly inside me, I actually yearned for this 'helpless' stage. Deep inside me, I was assured, my brokenness is another moment of God's glory.

I had to ask myself 'hard and heart' questions. I tossed and journey through months discovering God and His leading for the Chinese ministry. Finally, the day arrived when He spoke two statements of assuring words to me. First, He assures me that He is a God of compassion and full of grace. He loves both the heartlanders and the China Nationals. Secondly, He promised His everlasting presence to be with me.

I shared the heartbeat with the pastoral team and my leadership team. We are ready for the changes that God leads and resonate within me. We are on the march...

Journeying of Chinese Ministry from late 2008 Aug to 2010, Feb

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Honouring Your Husband - Do it!

"And let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband - that she might notices him, regards him, honours him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves him and admires him exceedingly."
(Ephesians 5:33 Amplified)

Last Saturday, AGF (Agape Girlfriends' Ministry) had a great time inspiring and encouraging one another in the area of honour. We reminded ourselves again this basic principle - It is not just knowing that it is a right thing to do, but simply by just DOING IT.

One area we are constantly challenge to do is to honour our husbands. To help me to be mindful of this, I had 3 simple words to guide me along - Adoration, Admiration and Appreciation. As much as a woman desires to be loved, a big tough man of ours longs to be admired. He desires for someone to think that he is brave, brilliant, loving, tender and tough, handsome, humorous, masculine and logic. That's what a man dreams of from his woman.

To adore your husband is simply to love him with all your heart and let him know it. I used to say this, "I like not only to be loved, but to be told that I am loved." When was the last time these three simple, profound, heart-words were uttered to his ears, "I love you."?

The truth is men want to be admired by the woman of their dreams. It starts with mom (that is why mothers need to affirm their boys.). All man goes somewhere and someone to get their admiration, affirmation and appreciation. He goes to work hoping to hear, "Great job. Well done!" He goes back to home to hear from his mother, "I am proud of you son." He feasts on compliments from his clients and colleagues from his office. He hangs out with his friends and social circles hoping to receive a pat. He goes somewhere and all men do.

Where does your husband go for adoration, admiration and appreciation? I once learned this from a book that I had read, "If you are not praising your husband enough, someone else will do the job for you." Where does your man go to be admired?

Dr Willard Hardley (His Needs, Her Needs) says, "When a woman tells a man she thinks he's wonderful, that inspires him to achieve more. He sees himself as capable of handling new responsibilities and perfecting skills far above those of his present level. That inspiration helps him prepare for the responsibilities of life. Admiration not only motivates, it also rewards the husband's existing achievements. When she tells him that she appreciates him for what he has done, it gives him more satisfaction than he receives from his paycheck. A woman needs to appreciate her husband for what he already is, not for what he could become, if he lived up to her standards. For some men - those with fragile self-images, admiration also helps them believe in themselves. Without it, these men seem inherently more defensive about their shortcomings. While criticism causes men to become defensive, admiration energizes and motivates them. A man expects and needs - his wife to be his most enthusiastic fan. He draws confidence from her support and can easily achieved far more with her."

Do you want to see your husband's face light up like a full moon? I told my husband how amazed I am that he knows how to set up the cooling system for his marine aquarium. And I am impressed by his great sense of road directions. Then I just sit back and watch him glow. I became the mirror where my husband sees himself. It helps me to restrain from my critical tongue and the sincere, genuine love for my husband simply just flows.

Do not withhold admiring words from your husband. First and foremost, be real and authentic. Start with one compliment or word of appreciation. Soon, the admiration will begin to flow...hopefully both ways. (like in my case)

Pick up your mobile and text something sweet and kind now...

Not just knowing the right things to do, simple DO IT.

And it honours our Father in heaven.