Thursday, February 11, 2010

Journey with the Chinese Ministry

"as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you."
(Joshua 1:5)

God 'set me up' for this to happen some years back. He put a love in me for the China and the marginalised Chinese Nationals in Singapore. But He has also set me up for that love to be tried and tested severely. I was badly bruised and broken after that. No more strength to carry on. He showed Himself to be faithful, "A broken reed, He will not break. And smoking flax He will not quench." (Isaiah 42:3)

He came through for me. Added new strength, new love, new heart for the Chinese Nationals. A more redeemed me for the work of the ministry and greater things to come.

For a start, He gave me seven Chinese Nationals in Pek Kio community, all men. From a 'Resting Place' to 'Happy Thursday', we saw a total of twelve Chinese Nationals being reached, ministered and care for. They gave their lives to Jesus. It looks like I had landed the 'Promise Land', only to realize shortly, it was just an oasis. God set this up this path for me again right after April. Seven went back to China, leaving four behind.

I felt like Joshua in the bible, helpless and no clue how to lead my team further on. So I began to do what I know what to do and leaving the rest to God. The team started to knock on Pek Kio doors, hoping to find thirty, invite fifteen at least, grateful if five stayed behind. On June 28 last year, not one from the community turned up for our 'China Nationals Fellowship'. Yet, He gave another surprise to us. One member brought three Chinese Nationals. A small beginning. This was comforting...

Down the weeks to months, God brought in the Chinese Nationals. From three to twenty eight. Twenty one gave their lives to Jesus and eight were baptized on the Crossover Night, 31st December 2009. This is the miracle of God.

While all looks good and comfortable (a warning sign), God presses on and challenge my faith further. Back to the very place where 'Joshua was helpless' stage, He makes me at a crossroad of making significant and bold decisions. I don't love very much to be in this position, yet secretly inside me, I actually yearned for this 'helpless' stage. Deep inside me, I was assured, my brokenness is another moment of God's glory.

I had to ask myself 'hard and heart' questions. I tossed and journey through months discovering God and His leading for the Chinese ministry. Finally, the day arrived when He spoke two statements of assuring words to me. First, He assures me that He is a God of compassion and full of grace. He loves both the heartlanders and the China Nationals. Secondly, He promised His everlasting presence to be with me.

I shared the heartbeat with the pastoral team and my leadership team. We are ready for the changes that God leads and resonate within me. We are on the march...

Journeying of Chinese Ministry from late 2008 Aug to 2010, Feb

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