Monday, April 12, 2010

The Path Principle

John Maxwell quoted this, "Leaders have two characteristics: first they are going somewhere, and second they are able to persuade other people to go with them."

For the past one week, I have been re-thinking and reflecting about my calling and my leading in the Chinese Ministry. As we entered in the Pre-Planning week, the challenge to see moving people in discipleship had caused me to sharpen my thoughts in this area - moving people to the destination.

I believed I am leading my people to go with me to the destination. Part of my leading is to envision the future and to map out how to get there. as I think about this subject, I penned down some thoughts which helped me greatly to see things clearer and how to move in that direction intentionally without detouring.

1. Our Intentions do not bring us to our Destination

It is noble to have good intentions, even godly. But all these attributes do not bring us to our desired destination. I can have all the desire and intention to exercise and build up my health. But all these will mount to nothing if there is no proper plan, directions and behaviour to help me get there. What I landed up with will be 'wishful' intentions.

2. Our Directions will determine our Destination

We all know in the world of driving that to get to the destination, we need a certain path. But we seldom seriously think we need the paths in our marriage; parenting; financial scheme and even ministry path to get to the destination.

Questions to ask myself honestly:
  • What do I want to see my Chinese Ministry becoming in the future?
  • Where do I want to take my people to?
  • Am I doing the right things to take my people there?
  • Am I taking the right path to arrive at the destination?
To put it in one simple statement: "I must be in the right direction moving to the designed direction."

3. Values are fundamental in the Directional Path

The Vision for the Chinese Ministry is "Reaching Believers and Building Seekers".

In order to arrive at the Vision, Values are foundational and fundamental. After much thoughts, these are listed as the ones that will establish as the base for the ministry:
  • Consistency (frequency will enhance consistency)
  • Alignment (vision and mission must not be independent from the main church)
  • Clarity (vision and mission must be clear and simple)
  • Flexibility (to change the plans, models and systems but not the vision and mission)

4. Vehicles are tools used to bring us to the Destination

After the Vision and Mission has been established, values to be the under-girding foundations, vehicles are implemented to bring us there. Action, behaviours and habits will determine our kind of vehicles and tools. And vehicles create movements.

In the Chinese Ministry, we create Pre-Movement vehicles in order to net the China Nationals. Street invitation is one of them. We walked in the Pek Kio community (Chinatown next) looking for opportunities to connect relationships intending to invite them to the Happy Thursday. The English Conversational Class is also positioned for the same purpose.

It is clear that Happy Thursday purposes herself for outreach and relationship building. In the midst of it, evangelism takes place.

The newly restructured and repositioned Sunday Fellowship which function as cell groups master on discipleship. Discipleship takes places intentionally here and to see disciples making disciples.

"The leader is the organization's top strategist... systematically envisioning the future and specifically mapping out how to get there." (Bill Hybels)

I pray for myself earnestly that I would be the leader that knows my path well, leading my people to the destination.

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