Monday, January 26, 2009

Jesus' Foreigner Friends

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
(Matthew 25:35-40)

Jesus has great compassion and cares for the poor, needy and the weak. His earthly ministry has reflected His heart. He never turned a deaf ear to those who earnestly call for Him.

God commands us to do the same. To accept them (Num 19:14), respect them (Num 19:34) and see them as one of us (Num 15:15). Treat them justly (Deut 24:17). Be hospitable to them (Deut 16:11). Be kind and compassionate (Deut 24:19-21). Go out of our way to help them (Lev 19:10 / 23:22). Finally to also share our blessings with them. (Deut 26:12-13)
The Lord sees the foreigners (or 'aliens', 'strangers' in different version) as precious in His sight. Jesus knows the deepest needs of those foreigners in our land. And He calls us to pay attention to this special group of people in His heart - The Foreigners.

"Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien livingin one of your towns." (Deut 24:14)

You can never ignore them. Neither can you avoid them. They are everywhere. In construction sites, at the coffeeshops, those cleaners for your HDB blocks, supermarkets, ...and the list goes on and on.

Majority of them had left their families and jobs to seek for a higher pay in Singapore. They came to Singapore with great expectations, thinking jobs are easily available. But many ended up doing menial or low-paid jobs. They endure hardship because they have no job security and the needing to pay off huge loan to settle their agent fees.
Three years ago, God opened up my eyes to see the 'foreigners' in a different perspective particularly the China Nationals. He began to speak to me about 'Reaching China without going to China.' As disciples of Christ, what attitude do we adopt towards them? Are we empathic ir scornful; accepting or rejecting? Do we extend helping hands, or do we just ignore them? He started dealing prejudice in my heart and the fear that stands in the way. Slowly and surely, guided by His grace, I begin my first step.
On 21st Jan night, the Chinese Church had our reunion dinner with 10 Chinese Nationals and the neglected folks in a particular block in Pek Kio. A simple dinner that held us together knitted in His love. Everyone of us left the restaurant FILLED and FULLED. Filled with God's love and Fulled in our stomachs.
God has taught me much about His love, His forgiveness, His compassion and His grace. This is not for me to keep but to show and to share. The Chinese Nationals who come to Singapore arrive as strangers in a strange land. These people are on our doorstep. It is time to demonstrate and extend God's love.
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:45)

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