Sunday, March 22, 2009

Domestically Challenged

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. (Proverbs 31:27)

I always felt very domestically challenged whenever I visited some 'people' homes. A neatly arranged table cloth over the dinning table, a vase filled with flesh flowers, cushions that are laid orderly on the sofa. These simple unnoticable things speak alot about a woman, who is also the keeper of her home.

Sometimes I wonder, "How would I feel about my house if I knew nobody else was ever going to see it? How would I want my home to look like?" I am not talking about having expensive furniture or unique culinary collection. But simply, keeping my house clean and in order. Adding a touch of warmth and love in making my home a comfortable, cosy and clean for my family and guests.

Many years ago, I used to be a person who put little time in housekeeping. As long as my laundry bag does not overflow with unwashed clothings, the dishes are not left unattended in the sink, I persuaded myself that I am a good wife and I had done my part. Never was I convinced that I need to go beyond just maintaining a clean house until God dealt with me in this area three years back. I began to study and explore Proverbs 31 and realised how God defines beauty and reveals His call for woman. On top of that, I am so thankful for a handful of 'older woman' in my midst who had demonstrated to me what it means to honour God, to love my husband and son, simply by preparing a nice home-cooked meal, keeping the house tidy, the beds are comfortable, clothes are ironed and packed.

I need to see taking care of my home as a discipline, part of my growth as a wife and mother. I don't have to like it or be good at it. I just have to simply do it. God has been graciously helped me see the importance of restoring my calling as a wife and mother. This doesn't come easy and it takes efforts and hard work in keeping a house a home. I have never looked back since then with regrets. Instead, I found myself growing more passionately doing the chores at home and cooking. It is a love langauge to my husband and son that they matter to me.

And God is glorify.

1 comment:

  1. Very brave of you to admit... I am still at my minimum..
