Monday, March 9, 2009

Walking in Faith Everyday

I always had a hard time really trying to understand this verse in Heb 11:4 "By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.

"Why would God consider Abel offfered a better sacrifice? Some suggested that is because Abel offered a blood sacrifice whereas Cain did not. However, I am not really certain about this interpretation. When this event took place, the Law of Moses is not in placed yet. Besides, in Book of Leviticus, both the blood offerings and grain offerings are both acceptable to the Lord.

Both Abel and Cain gave, and it is legitimate for them to give out of their occupations (I believe that is why their occupations were mentioned). Therefore, it seems rightful for Cain to offer the fruit of the ground. It was never mentioned that Abel gave more than Cain. I believe both gave the right portions then. If this is the case, then why would the scripture says,"By faith, Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain did." In this Tikam Tikam Faith Series, I realise the answer I am looking for.

The foundation of faith is a Person and that is our Lord Jesus Christ. It is clear to me that the scripture mention, "By faith, Abel offered..."
Abel understood - it is not about the size of his faith, it is all about the source of his faith. Abel understood - it is not about what he had offered and the portion of his offering, it is about the Faithful One. Abel understood - it is not about getting God to do what he wants, it is about what He wants us to do.

I understood therefore, it is a story of Two Hearts, Two Devotions. Cain gave out of legalism and obligation. Abel gave out of a heart of Faith.

Abel knew Who God is and he offered out of faith.Encoh knew Who God is and he walked with God. Noah knew who God is and he built an ark. "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Heb 11:6) Therefore, to please God, I need to walk in faith.

If I want to please my God everyday, and my faith is needed to please Him. Then, am I growing in my knowledge of knowing Who He is, for this pleases Him?
Am I then, walking in faith Everyday?Or just somedays? Or in winter seasons?

Two big take for me:
1) Walking in faith everyday, growning in the knowledge of Who He is, for this pleases my God.

2) Greater Surrender = Greater Faith (and NOT) Greater Faith = Greater Surrender

A everyday challenge to walk in greater absolute surrender.

Faith begins with God, and ends with God.

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