Monday, May 31, 2010

Honour - Towel on Hands

Honouring others is not an option, is a command based on Romans 12:10, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves." Honour simply means - to place; put a value on someone more than we value ourselves; to treat people as precious and with respect.

However, we will not truly honour someone until we learn to love one another. And humility plays an important part in someone who knows how to honour others. Humility precedes Honour. And acts of honour will lead to a culture of honour.

How do we develop a culture of honour?


a) We come not to be served, but to serve.

b) We come not to be heard, but to hear.

c) We come not to be loved, but to love.

Did I serve today? Listen today? Hear today?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My 44th Birthday

I thought I never really enjoy surprises, but I did. I celebrated my 44th years old Birthday with my beloved in a day getaway to Johore Bahru. And YES! I am 44 this year.

I was surprised with hidden bouquet in the room; treated with sumptuous Chinese lunch spread with 'Buddha jump over the wall'; bird nests, scallops. Went shopping, watched 'Ip Man 2' in Cantonese. And finally proceed to my usual place, massage. All these specially planned by my beloved husband.

Matt and I frequent this massage place for the past 2 years whenever we are in JB. We got to know these masseurs and majority of them are from Mainland China. Like most China nationals we find in Singapore, these ladies had left their homes to find a better living in Malaysia. All of them are married with children back home and they worked really hard. Matt and I used to buy them food, or would sometimes bring them to the nearby coffeeshop to have supper with us. They are not given off days and not allowed to step out of their shop without permission and most of them have not even walked beyond 1km from the shop. As I patronize them regularly, I began to build friendships with them. I knew, these ladies liked us much as we seek to love them and honour them in ways of Christ. Gradually we shared with them the gospel and prayed for them, their concerns and their loved ones back home. I am truly happy that I can go beyond the shores of Singapore to connect and reach out to the China nationals. Something that is birthed out of a burden.

As I seek to refresh others, God in return, used them to refresh and surprise me. That night as I patronized them with Matt, the whole group of eight ladies, suddenly appeared in the room, holding a cake and singing their hearts out so loudly a birthday song to me. I was dumbfounded, shock and so touched. I am truly so touched by them. Matt told them it was my birthday and the rest is history.

When I was back in Singapore, I received another surprise from my Happy Thursday group. The heartlanders, China Nationals and my team specially video themselves singing a birthday song to me and posted it on the Facebook. I love them, I do.

The surprise goes on. Cleff came out from his room and gave me a special birthday present - a handmade handbag just for his mummy. This just send the love deep into my soul.

Not to forget those heartwarming birthday messages posted on my Facebook and sms. They filled my tank.

The staff. Creatively put together a Birthday powerpoint footage for me, surprise me right after the staff meeting.

My birthday was over, but I am still celebrating with different ones. The AGF Core Team, and those who blessed me with lunches and dinners.

44 years old. What a birthday!

I thank God for Matthew, who has loved me dearly and deeply.

My son Cleff - you are mummy's proud treasure.

The staff team - Thank you for loving me.

Everyone in the Chinese Ministry - you are a miracle.

AGF ladies - Thank you for believing in me

And all out there - Thank you for filling me up.

Finally, my Jesus my Lord - I love You. Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blind Bartimaeus can See?

Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" (Mark 10:48)

This evening at the Chinese Fellowship, I was sharing the story of Blind Bartimaeus, how this desperate blind man had pushed all his way through to get the attention of Jesus. Though faced with obstacles after obstacles, this blind man was persistent and desperate. Of course he was. This could be his only chance and probably his last chance to ever come that close to Jesus.

To began with, blind Bartimaeus was just one of the face in the crowd. You cannot differentiate him from the crowd until he took the initiative to attract Jesus attention, turning his intention action. His 'hearing about the Jesus of Nazareth ' was quickly changed to 'calling the Jesus of Nazareth.' This is called faith. Faith to dare to do the different, dangerous, out of the norm and unusual. He took the path of the unusual.

He was soon stopped and rebuked by the crowd for his 'nonsense shouting'. But this blind man doesn't care for the crowd's comments. He was probably so loud in his shouting that he finally attracted the attention of Jesus and there he was, right in front face to face with Jesus. I was amazed! How could Jesus hear the voice of a blind Bartimaeus in the midst of a highly excited and maybe uncontrollable crowd. I tried that illustration this evening by getting the congregation to make as much noise as they can while I shouted loudly across to one of the team members. The fact is, my voice was drowned by the crowd. But you know what? Jesus is able to hear your cry in your soul even when no one can hear, or even when no one bothers to hear. That is the Jesus that I have. Blind Bartimaeus had to combat his faith against the crowd's opposition. I realized - if I am not pressing in my faith, the crowd's voice has a way to drown my faith. It has a way to pull me becoming one in the crowd rather than facing the crowd.

When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus had summoned for him, his first response was "Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus" (verse 50). What could be more important to a beggar other than his cloak. That could be his only possession and all that he had. But now, this old, smelly and broken cloak is no longer important as compared to meeting Jesus. The old is gone, the new had begun. This guy was so sure he was going to receive something better, more permanent and valuable than his cloak (or treasure since this probably was his only priced possession.) Faith bring us to abandon our past 'clothing' for we know, Jesus will clothed us with His new clothing. He could ask for money and food, but he didn't. He asked to be able to see. Sight regained will enable Bartimaeus to start life anew. He could now work, earn a living, enjoying having proper meals and friendships even. He wanted a life, a new life that only Jesus can give.

Three groups of people stand out for me:

1) The Crowd that follows Jesus

This group of people see Jesus, but did not really see Him. That was why they rebuked the blind Bartimaeus instead of creating opportunities for Bartimaeus to be near Jesus. Jesus do not want a CROWD, He wanted FOLLOWERS. It is possible one can belong to the 'Crowd' followers. They follow Jesus on their terms, but on His terms.

2) The Disciples

The disciples followed Jesus closely. I wondered were they among the crowd that rebuked Blind Bartimaeus and wanted him quiet. It serves as a strong reminder to me and as a servant of the Lord. We can be so busy with day to day activities, demands, deadlines and planning that we subtly lose the real reason of ministry. Jesus came for the people, the needy, the poor, the broken hearted. We can be 'pushing' Jesus' ministry ahead at the expense of missing the people that needed the touch of compassion. The purpose for ministry revolves around people, not programmes. May God help me to hear a 'blind Bartimaeus' cry more intentively.

3) The Blind Bartimaeus

Blind Bartimaeus did not ask for money, food but sight. He knew with his sight, he could earn a living. He could start a new life. He could enjoy community living. Wow, that is a new beginning. He trusted that Jesus could give him a new life.

Imagine what would Blind Bartimaeus do when he regained his sight? Those that had known him as Blind Bartimaeus would be curious to know what had actually happened to him. The blind beggar could see right now. Hanging over his shoulders were no longer the broken, smelly cloak. He could afford new clothes. He could get a job and have an income. He could live in the community and had new friends. He is having a new beginning, a new life. Who has the power to give to this 'helpless, useless and unworthy beggar?" This must be the 'Talking Point' of the town.

Who can stopped this once blind now 'I can see' Bartimaeus from talking about his new life? He is now a testimony for Jesus. This is exactly what happened to a broken reed touched and healed by Jesus. They talked about Jesus.

There is no reason for us to stop talking about Jesus. He is alive and He is at work in every lives given over to Him.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see."

I was onced the 'Blind Bartimaeus' but now I see. Now, it is now my turn to 'see' another Blind Bartimaeus. And there is no reason I should stop talking about Jesus.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pang Pai's Waiting is Over

"Even to your old age and gray hairs. I am he, I am he who will sustain you and will rescue you." - Isaiah 46:4

How does it feel like to spend every day waiting? Just waiting and not going anywhere. Not keeping appointments and not concerned about a schedule, but just waiting.

Pang Pai (we loved to call him that way) had a very bad fall three years ago. He was admitted to the hospital and later transferred to Ju Eng's Home as it was no longer safe for him to remain alone at home, where he originally stayed at Block 47 of Owen Road.

Pang Pai spend his last three years in Ju Eng's Home. He was invalid and could no longer moved freely as he could. His hip bones were broken. Day after day, Pang Pai would wait on his bed for the nurses to bring him food, waiting to be bathed, waiting to be wheeled into the hall to watch the TV programmes, waiting for people to visit him. He spend his days waiting.

The worst thing in life is not death but hopelessness. Without hope, one cannot find another reason to live another day. And prolong waiting can caused one to easily lose heart, and hope hurt, depressed and despondent. It is therefore not difficult to find a lost soul looking for a hope to live another day in the old folk's home.

But this was not so for Pang Pai. He was very different from many of the old man that I knew. Although invalid, he was always full of valour and energy in his life. It is so evident to those that had visited him. Pang Pai loved to eat and he especially loved turtle soup. Without apology, he would ask the visitor to buy him turtle soup, duck drumbstick, 'bai guai', egg tarts in our next visit. He enjoyed eating whatever we placed on his tray. He was chatty and sometimes demanding. There was absolutely no trace of a man who had lost hope in the midst of waiting.

What is it in Pang Pai that makes the waiting so differently? I believed it is none other than him understood Psalm 33:20 well - 'We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name." Pang Pai knew that he has a Lord that sustain him in this life. At any point of time, he can lean on Him. At anytime he felt weak, God is there to hold him up and help him to gain strength. He knew no one can be there for him twenty four hours a day, but God is able. He knew he has Jesus to pray to, to talk to, to rest upon whenever he is afraid and alone.

Pang Pai understood from the moment he was born into this world into the days when his hair turned gray, his legs became weak, his face filled with wrinkles. It is the Lord that walked with him through these days. He never forsake us. That explained why Pang Pai had never give up any hope while waiting. Jesus is his hope.

Today, the waiting for Pang Pai is over. The long nights are ended and there is only daylight. The days of ache and pain is over. His asthma situation is over. His waiting is over.

He is back Home. His address now is HEAVEN.

Till we meet again Pang Pai, I will miss you.

Pang Pai, named Pong Kok Chie born on 1928
Departed on 9 May 2009
Received Jesus as his personal Saviour on 2001.
Baptized on 11 April, 2004.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I am allergic to the 'IF ONLY" people. There is a deep discomfort in me whenever I heard people saying this, "If only I did not..." 'If only I did not make this decision to..." "if only I am not studying in this school..." and the list goes on and on. It really barks me.

I am reminded of the 'IF ONLY' generation in the bible, the Moses generation. They had tasted the goodness of God, they witnessed miracles after miracles, from the ten plagues to the crossing of the Red Sea and had countless encounters knowing God, yet the whole camp of Israelities grumbled and complained. (Numbers 14:1-3) The whole community roared and wailed all night long, complaining against Moses and Aaron, to the extend of wanting to appoint a leader and lead them back to Egypt. "Why God?" "If only..." I cannot imagined how long-suffering Moses was, to be able to endure all these complaints and pleading to God to spare them from wiping out the whole nation.

Egypt represented our past, the land of slavery and bondage. How good can it be to be there to keep savory on our past?

It takes faith and guts to dare to move forward despite all unfavourable circumstances; unfathomed reasons, incomprehensible understanding to put one self into the hands of God and moved on. It takes Faith.


Yes, I am allergic to the "If Only" and those that had nothing good to say about life. I kept myself away.

Wondering if you belongs to the 'IF ONLY"? Watch your speech. Watch your words.
Wondering? If God likes the Moses generation to be His companion?

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Definitely, it is not very enjoyable to have the grumblers around.