Monday, May 10, 2010


I am allergic to the 'IF ONLY" people. There is a deep discomfort in me whenever I heard people saying this, "If only I did not..." 'If only I did not make this decision to..." "if only I am not studying in this school..." and the list goes on and on. It really barks me.

I am reminded of the 'IF ONLY' generation in the bible, the Moses generation. They had tasted the goodness of God, they witnessed miracles after miracles, from the ten plagues to the crossing of the Red Sea and had countless encounters knowing God, yet the whole camp of Israelities grumbled and complained. (Numbers 14:1-3) The whole community roared and wailed all night long, complaining against Moses and Aaron, to the extend of wanting to appoint a leader and lead them back to Egypt. "Why God?" "If only..." I cannot imagined how long-suffering Moses was, to be able to endure all these complaints and pleading to God to spare them from wiping out the whole nation.

Egypt represented our past, the land of slavery and bondage. How good can it be to be there to keep savory on our past?

It takes faith and guts to dare to move forward despite all unfavourable circumstances; unfathomed reasons, incomprehensible understanding to put one self into the hands of God and moved on. It takes Faith.


Yes, I am allergic to the "If Only" and those that had nothing good to say about life. I kept myself away.

Wondering if you belongs to the 'IF ONLY"? Watch your speech. Watch your words.
Wondering? If God likes the Moses generation to be His companion?

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Definitely, it is not very enjoyable to have the grumblers around.

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