Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blind Bartimaeus can See?

Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" (Mark 10:48)

This evening at the Chinese Fellowship, I was sharing the story of Blind Bartimaeus, how this desperate blind man had pushed all his way through to get the attention of Jesus. Though faced with obstacles after obstacles, this blind man was persistent and desperate. Of course he was. This could be his only chance and probably his last chance to ever come that close to Jesus.

To began with, blind Bartimaeus was just one of the face in the crowd. You cannot differentiate him from the crowd until he took the initiative to attract Jesus attention, turning his intention action. His 'hearing about the Jesus of Nazareth ' was quickly changed to 'calling the Jesus of Nazareth.' This is called faith. Faith to dare to do the different, dangerous, out of the norm and unusual. He took the path of the unusual.

He was soon stopped and rebuked by the crowd for his 'nonsense shouting'. But this blind man doesn't care for the crowd's comments. He was probably so loud in his shouting that he finally attracted the attention of Jesus and there he was, right in front face to face with Jesus. I was amazed! How could Jesus hear the voice of a blind Bartimaeus in the midst of a highly excited and maybe uncontrollable crowd. I tried that illustration this evening by getting the congregation to make as much noise as they can while I shouted loudly across to one of the team members. The fact is, my voice was drowned by the crowd. But you know what? Jesus is able to hear your cry in your soul even when no one can hear, or even when no one bothers to hear. That is the Jesus that I have. Blind Bartimaeus had to combat his faith against the crowd's opposition. I realized - if I am not pressing in my faith, the crowd's voice has a way to drown my faith. It has a way to pull me becoming one in the crowd rather than facing the crowd.

When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus had summoned for him, his first response was "Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus" (verse 50). What could be more important to a beggar other than his cloak. That could be his only possession and all that he had. But now, this old, smelly and broken cloak is no longer important as compared to meeting Jesus. The old is gone, the new had begun. This guy was so sure he was going to receive something better, more permanent and valuable than his cloak (or treasure since this probably was his only priced possession.) Faith bring us to abandon our past 'clothing' for we know, Jesus will clothed us with His new clothing. He could ask for money and food, but he didn't. He asked to be able to see. Sight regained will enable Bartimaeus to start life anew. He could now work, earn a living, enjoying having proper meals and friendships even. He wanted a life, a new life that only Jesus can give.

Three groups of people stand out for me:

1) The Crowd that follows Jesus

This group of people see Jesus, but did not really see Him. That was why they rebuked the blind Bartimaeus instead of creating opportunities for Bartimaeus to be near Jesus. Jesus do not want a CROWD, He wanted FOLLOWERS. It is possible one can belong to the 'Crowd' followers. They follow Jesus on their terms, but on His terms.

2) The Disciples

The disciples followed Jesus closely. I wondered were they among the crowd that rebuked Blind Bartimaeus and wanted him quiet. It serves as a strong reminder to me and as a servant of the Lord. We can be so busy with day to day activities, demands, deadlines and planning that we subtly lose the real reason of ministry. Jesus came for the people, the needy, the poor, the broken hearted. We can be 'pushing' Jesus' ministry ahead at the expense of missing the people that needed the touch of compassion. The purpose for ministry revolves around people, not programmes. May God help me to hear a 'blind Bartimaeus' cry more intentively.

3) The Blind Bartimaeus

Blind Bartimaeus did not ask for money, food but sight. He knew with his sight, he could earn a living. He could start a new life. He could enjoy community living. Wow, that is a new beginning. He trusted that Jesus could give him a new life.

Imagine what would Blind Bartimaeus do when he regained his sight? Those that had known him as Blind Bartimaeus would be curious to know what had actually happened to him. The blind beggar could see right now. Hanging over his shoulders were no longer the broken, smelly cloak. He could afford new clothes. He could get a job and have an income. He could live in the community and had new friends. He is having a new beginning, a new life. Who has the power to give to this 'helpless, useless and unworthy beggar?" This must be the 'Talking Point' of the town.

Who can stopped this once blind now 'I can see' Bartimaeus from talking about his new life? He is now a testimony for Jesus. This is exactly what happened to a broken reed touched and healed by Jesus. They talked about Jesus.

There is no reason for us to stop talking about Jesus. He is alive and He is at work in every lives given over to Him.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see."

I was onced the 'Blind Bartimaeus' but now I see. Now, it is now my turn to 'see' another Blind Bartimaeus. And there is no reason I should stop talking about Jesus.

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