Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pang Pai's Waiting is Over

"Even to your old age and gray hairs. I am he, I am he who will sustain you and will rescue you." - Isaiah 46:4

How does it feel like to spend every day waiting? Just waiting and not going anywhere. Not keeping appointments and not concerned about a schedule, but just waiting.

Pang Pai (we loved to call him that way) had a very bad fall three years ago. He was admitted to the hospital and later transferred to Ju Eng's Home as it was no longer safe for him to remain alone at home, where he originally stayed at Block 47 of Owen Road.

Pang Pai spend his last three years in Ju Eng's Home. He was invalid and could no longer moved freely as he could. His hip bones were broken. Day after day, Pang Pai would wait on his bed for the nurses to bring him food, waiting to be bathed, waiting to be wheeled into the hall to watch the TV programmes, waiting for people to visit him. He spend his days waiting.

The worst thing in life is not death but hopelessness. Without hope, one cannot find another reason to live another day. And prolong waiting can caused one to easily lose heart, and hope hurt, depressed and despondent. It is therefore not difficult to find a lost soul looking for a hope to live another day in the old folk's home.

But this was not so for Pang Pai. He was very different from many of the old man that I knew. Although invalid, he was always full of valour and energy in his life. It is so evident to those that had visited him. Pang Pai loved to eat and he especially loved turtle soup. Without apology, he would ask the visitor to buy him turtle soup, duck drumbstick, 'bai guai', egg tarts in our next visit. He enjoyed eating whatever we placed on his tray. He was chatty and sometimes demanding. There was absolutely no trace of a man who had lost hope in the midst of waiting.

What is it in Pang Pai that makes the waiting so differently? I believed it is none other than him understood Psalm 33:20 well - 'We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name." Pang Pai knew that he has a Lord that sustain him in this life. At any point of time, he can lean on Him. At anytime he felt weak, God is there to hold him up and help him to gain strength. He knew no one can be there for him twenty four hours a day, but God is able. He knew he has Jesus to pray to, to talk to, to rest upon whenever he is afraid and alone.

Pang Pai understood from the moment he was born into this world into the days when his hair turned gray, his legs became weak, his face filled with wrinkles. It is the Lord that walked with him through these days. He never forsake us. That explained why Pang Pai had never give up any hope while waiting. Jesus is his hope.

Today, the waiting for Pang Pai is over. The long nights are ended and there is only daylight. The days of ache and pain is over. His asthma situation is over. His waiting is over.

He is back Home. His address now is HEAVEN.

Till we meet again Pang Pai, I will miss you.

Pang Pai, named Pong Kok Chie born on 1928
Departed on 9 May 2009
Received Jesus as his personal Saviour on 2001.
Baptized on 11 April, 2004.

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