Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Laugh a Little Each Day

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit."
(Proverbs 15:13)

One thing that I would love to cultivate more is learning to laugh more and more. Laughing at my own mistakes; laughing during playtime...simply just laugh.

The staff that works with me and in the office know me well. They gave me a nickname, "Three O'clock'. Around that time, I will walk out from my room to the cubicles and start to make silly and lame jokes, ending up laughing, sometimes all by myself. And of course, we have a Senior Pastor who laughs a lot and believes in laughter. He mentioned this in his blog, "You can't work at my office if you aren't really good at laughing."

(to read, blog in to

Matthew and I laugh a lot more as compared to three years ago. He always make me laugh heartily with his jokes, his actions and just being him. I am enjoying every bit of it. At home, these are the three values that I seek to grow and give to my love ones too - Life; Love and Laughter.

Laughter is a gift from God and it is one of God's loving ways of keeping us healthy, emotionally and physically. It releases us from tension and keep the heart alive. A cheerful heart makes the face cheerful indeed.

The Executive Digest Magazine wrote this in one of their publish edition:
“Scientists have been studying the effects of laughter on human beings and have found, among other things, that laughter has a profound and instantaneous effect on virtually every important organ of the human body. Laughter reduces unhealthy tensions, and relaxes the tissues, as well as exercising the most vital organs. Laughter, even when forced, results in beneficial effect on us, both mentally and physically. So, the next time you feel nervous and jittery, indulge in a good laugh.”

One of the thing I enjoyed is reading good clean jokes and have a good laugh. Recently, someone in the ministry send me some jokes. Sharing with you here and have a good laugh if you have not for a long time.

Advertisement in a Long Island Shop:
Guitar, for sale....Cheap... strings attached.

On a bulletin board:
Success is Relative
The more the Success
The more the Relatives

When I Read about the Evils of Drinking,
I gave up Reading.

My grandfather is eighty, and still doesn't need glasses
He drinks straight from the bottle

Sign in a bar:
'Those of you who are drinking to forget,
Please do pay in advance.'

Sign in Driving School:
'If your wife wants to learn to drive,
Don't stand in her way..."

Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Snore and you sleep alone.

Sign at a Barber's Salon:
'We need your heads to run our business'

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