Friday, June 4, 2010

Ten Commandments of Marriage

Looking through my notes again and spotted this article given to us when I attended the Workshop Session, "How to be your Spouse's Best Friend' in Pastors' Prayer Submit 2007.

Ten Commandments of Marriage:

1) You shall have no other man/woman
  • Let there be no doubt
2) You shall take care of the image of your spouse
  • Do not look at other men/women or compare him/her with other men/women

3) You shall not misuse the name of your spouse
  • Do not speal about your spouse lightly or needlessly

4) You shall not devote one day a week to your spouse
  • Make time for your sposue

5) You shall honour your spouse
  • Honour your parents and parents-in-laws

6) You shall not murder your spouse
  • Do not abuse your spouse physically or verbally

7) You shall not commit adultery
  • Be faithful to your spouse

8) You shall not steal from your spouse
  • Give credit where it is due

9) You shall not give false witness
  • Be honest and open in your communication with your spouse

10) You shall not covet
  • Do not be jealous of your spouse

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